Tag Archives: alternative hive design


Inspecting a top bar hive at Steller Apiaries

Inspecting a top bar hive at Steller Apiaries

I’ve created a page on Beekeeping, (and fixed the broken links initially posted, oops) and I’m very much looking forward to starting multiple horizontal top bar hives in 2013.  And not just because I can’t wait to make my own mead…

The page includes some general information, helpful tips, and links to local sources for package bees, hive building plans, and Michigan beekeeping organizations, just in case anyone else gets a case of honeybee fever…

And I just added a couple more links on a new alternative hive design that is very interesting, the Sun Hive (German:  Weissenseifener Haengekorb), a rounded Biodynamic design that is like a Skep hive, but uses crescent-shaped comb guides.